Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: GIVEAWAY - WEEK #3 - COCONUT

Best of Raw


Voted Best of Raw - Favorite Raw Vegan Gourmet Chef + Favorite Raw Vegan Blog.

Healthy Personal Care -

6th Annual Best of Raw Award

6th Annual Best of Raw Award

June 7, 2010



Winner receives a bottle of Medicine Flower COCONUT Extract. (Retail Value - $22.00).

Flavor Poll #2 Results - (left)

If you'd like to read more about Medicine Flower Extracts, click HERE. 

The Winner is Benita. Congratulations, Benita on winning a bottle of Coconut Medicine Flower Extract.

Week #2 Winner was Angelique. Congratulations Angelique!! She won a bottle of Medicine Flower Strawberry Extract. Who will be the lucky winner this time???


1 - Go to Medicine Flower and look at their products.
2 - Return here and tell us the product you liked the most.
- Make sure your leave your e-Mail address, or have a public profile. 

Done. That's it. You're good to go!. 

Special Bonus Sample: If you make a purchase, mention Rawfully Tempting and Medicine Flower will include a Special Bonus Sample with your order.

ADDITIONAL ENTRIES : Want more than one chance to win? Submit a separate comments for each of the following that you qualify for. (Each comment counts as one entry,  so be sure you submit separate comments for each qualifying entry and do not put multiple comments together in one entry.)

A - Follow Rawfully Tempting's Blog
B - Become a Rawfully Tempting "Like-it Fan" on Facebook.
C - Follow Rawfully Tempting (Not2RAWnchy) on Twitter.
D- Purchase any products from Medicine Flower during this Giveaway. 
E- Tweet this and leave  your Twitter ID- 
"GIVEAWAY - Enter to WIN a bottle of Gourmet Medicine Flower COCONUT Extract. (Retail Value $22)"
F - VOTE in the Poll in the upper right hand corner of this page. Comment below and tell me which flavor you picked. 
   - Leave a separate comment telling me each one that applies, and be sure to leave an email address, or have a public profile.

BONUS - A - (Worth 2 Entries - Read Directions)
1 - Blog about this Giveaway and link back to this post.
2- Enter TWO separate comments to qualify for TWO entries. 
Entry Example:"I blogged about your giveaway - #1."
                        "I blogged about your giveaway - #2."
3 - You must include your email address in each comment, or have a public profile.

BONUS - B - (Worth 2 Entries - Read Directions)
1 - Grab my button from my sidebar and post it on your blog's sidebar. 
2 - Enter TWO separate comments to qualify for TWO entries.
Entry Example: "I posted your button - #1."
                        " I posted your button - #2."
3 - You must include your email address in each comment, or have a public profile.

SPECIAL BONUS SAMPLE - Mention Rawfully Tempting when you place any order with Medicine Flower, and receive a Special Bonus Sample with your order. 

- Contest begins June 1st, 2010 at 4 PM, EST. Deadline to enter is June 7th, 2010 at 11 PM, EST.

- Contest is open to all U.S. and Canadian residents, over the age of 18.
By entering this Giveaway, you acknowledge that you have read and agree with my Full Disclosure and Disclaimer Policy.

I am always happy to help. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

*To make this easier and more fun for all of us:
Comments are each numbered. I'll be drawing a random number which will be matched to a corresponding numbered entry. To qualify your multiple entries, each one must be submitted in separate comments.



Lauren said...

The aromamatic mister: Relaxation looks great!

Lauren said...

I follow your blog!

Lauren said...

I follow on twitter: @LaurenGinger

Unknown said...

I most liked the hand made soaps.

Joz said...

o.k. I love Coconut after Durian! yes!

then Kiwi still love kiwi. Joz

Anonymous said...

The flavor extracts...dark choc., we discussed..he he! and the cherry..yumm!

Very nice!


snowdrop said...

mmm coffee extract
to make mocha flavored desserts

Anonymous said...

I would like to try the Body Butters.

Unknown said...

I would love to try the Sensual BodyButter 8 oz

misaacmom at gmail dot com

Raw girl Denmark said...

I would love to try the mint flavour, some yummy things could come out with this one :)

Raw girl Denmark said...

almost forgot, also following you on Facebook :)

Kat said...

Honestly, I really want their extracts- all of them!!!!! I *will* absolutely buy them ALL as the cash flow increases around here because I would use them all a lot! The coconut might just be my favorite, well, at least in my mind because I love coconut! But the hazlenut one sounds super yummy too!

Kat said...

I follow your blog too!

Lesha said...

BreathEase Inhaler

Lesha said...

I'm following via GFC.

BowieTip said...

I would like to use Medicine Flower's Almond Extract to flavor coconut macaroons.

Hope to win!

Benita said...

I like the Rose Petal Preserve.


Benita said...

I voted;I selected raspberry.


tiff said...

i like the Garden Mint 4 oz Body Bar!

texan_michael AT yahoo DOT com

tiff said...

I voted on the poll for "light chocolate".

texan_michael AT yahoo DOT com

Kelly Parr said...

My favorite extract??? Oh my...what a hard question... they all look delicious... blueberry, chocolate, apricot.... all my fav!

Kelly Parr said...

I already follow your blog too!

Earth mama @ Inside My Heart said...

I would love to try the Rose Petal Extract Preserve.

sallyjanelouk at yahoo dot com

Earth mama @ Inside My Heart said...

I'm following your blog

sallyjanelouk at yahoo dot com

Earth mama @ Inside My Heart said...

I like you on facebook

sallyjanelouk at yahoo dot com

Earth mama @ Inside My Heart said...

I'm following you on twitter @InsaneSallyJane

sallyjanelouk at yahoo dot com

Missybeez said...

I like the Almond Extract.

wantsandwishes said...

I would like to try the body butter.

Anonymous said...

I think the chocolate looks yummy

cass said...

Grounding BodyButter 8 oz

liz said...

Sorry I forgot to check the box with the email but I still like the idea of Rose Preserves!

Anonymous said...

Kiwi Flavor Extract would be my choice!

brownhairgirl7 said...

I think their Apricot Flavor Extract sounds good.

brownhairgirl7 said...

I follow Rawfully Tempting via Google Friend Connect.

brownhairgirl7 said...

I follow Rawfully Tempting on Twitter (username MissJo1990).

brownhairgirl7 said...

I tweeted:

brownhairgirl7 said...

I voted in the poll and selected Tropical Fruit.

Anonymous said...

My favorite is peach, followed by rose petal and any chocolate!!!!

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog!

Anonymous said...

I like you on facebook!

Hbomb said...

I'd like the relaxing mister, 4oz.
xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com

Linda Kish said...

The vanilla flavor extract is my favorite

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Falon H. said...

I like the sacred sage body butter!

falongoesgreen @ gmail dot com

Falon H. said...

Following Rawfully Tempting on twitter: @falongoesgreen

falongoesgreen @ gmail dot com

Falon H. said...


falongoesgreen @ gmail dot com

Falon H. said...

Voted for Tropical Fruit in the poll.

Thanks for the chance!

falongoesgreen @ gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I'd like to try the Medicine Flower Bug Repellent. Thanks.


cman said...

Sacred Sage Smokeless Mist

Unknown said...

I would like the breath ease massage oil.

Unknown said...

I follow you on twitter

Unknown said...

I tweeted

Unknown said...

I posted your button @

Unknown said...

I posted your button @ (2)

Unknown said...

I voted for raspberry on your side bar.

Unknown said...

Is this where I enter for the coconut giveaway? It's my favorite. If I am at the right spot, put me in the game. If I am not, I've put my two cents in! Haa!

Tracy Partridge-Johnson said...

Ok, you got me, Barb ;) I like the Flavor Extracts - I'd go for either Almond or Vanilla first. I also like the Massage Oils - I'd choose either the Sensual, Heals The Spirit, or Muscle Energizer.

joliepolie said...

I follow you on Twitter

joliepolie said...

I follow you on Facebook

joliepolie said...

I voted on your poll and picked pear!

joliepolie said...

I love the coconut extract

joliepolie said...

I tweeted!!!@joliepolie71

/\Heather/\ said...

The BreathEase Inhaler looks like something everyone in my family could use! Love the write-up!

/\Heather/\ said...

I follow Not2RAWnchy on twitter - choochoo428

/\Heather/\ said...

Tweeted -

/\Heather/\ said...

I voted and picked Blackberry.

Bakersdozen said...

I like the body buttters. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

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