1 cup sprouted dehydrated quinoa grains
1-2 Tbsp cacao powder (or carob/cacao mixture)
2 Tbsp agave nectar (I'd use honey or maple syrup)
Dash of cinnamon
pinch of sea salt
(You need 1 cup of quinoa AFTER it has been sprouted and dehydrated. I measured a cup before dehydrating, so ended up with a very small batch!!! : (
Please click here for directions on sprouting.
Once you see tiny shoots from the grains, dehydrate for several hours until crispy. (Dried quinoa is great in salads and soups).
Mix cacao powder and agave nectar together and spoon over dried quinoa. Mix and massage by hand.
Spread mixture on a non - stick dehydrator sheet and dehydrate 4-6 hours.
When totally dehydrated, sprinkle with a dash of cinnamon and mix well.
This sounds like a fun and easy snack! Can't wait to try it!
wow, they look grrreat! (oh wait, that was frosted flakes.=)
hahah cute Kelli and thank you
I've only made this with sprouted buckwheat, am now anxious to try it with quinoa! (or maybe other grains like millet or amaranth...I wonder how they'd do...) So many opportunities to play in the kitchen!
David Wolfe says that things like kinoa can be difficult for people transitioning due to lack of digestive strength. I think I'll try it anyway, but I know my digestive system really needs to work up to a lot of things. (My digestive system was so weak that is basically quit when I was 16 which is what started my journey towards raw food.)
They sound delicious. I'll be using dates instead of agave. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Phoenix. I make a similar snack with buckwheat, but i find the quinoa much easier to digest. I also don't eat something like this every day...it's a treat that i have once in awhile. If you find this hard to digest, then use something else until you are ready. Please don't make something that is going to cause distress.
Thanks for the agave note. While I didn't create this recipe, I would def try using dates or maple syrup the next time I make it. I have limited my own consumption of agave greatly. I like yacon syrup, but it's very expensive. Good suggestion.
I hope you find restored health and vitality SOON! That is my goal this year too!!!
I'm going to make them with carob!!
Peace & Raw Health,
Awesome Elizabeth. I often mix cacao and carob together. I would do this recipe with either honey or maple syrup...
Let us know how it turns out.
Hi, I am new to raw food and I made some using my oven and they actually turned out but I don't like agave much either and they seemed to have taken on more of that flavor instead of the cacao chocolate but I could try using date paste and see how it works . They do make a good snack though. The quinoa is very easy to sprout too :)
Hi Jackie. Welcome! I'm not a huge fan of agave, but will use it every now and then. I prefer not to use ONE of anything too frequently. I will tell you that the flavor of agave differs from brand to brand, just like honey and maple syrup. Some are more amber and thick, others are light and watery...I've had some that I can't stand the taste of and others that have a very pleasant taste. Personally, there are other alternatives, so give them a try. Yacon syrup is good, but expensive and strong flavor, so I generally us it in combination with something else.
Thanks for posting!
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