I am in H E A V E N!!! What an amazing find. Medicine Flower has created these extraordinary ORGANIC, cold-extracted flavor extracts. These are super concentrated, so a little goes a long way. I opened the bottle and was in ECSTASY from the aroma. SOOO good. They are a little pricey, but if you want to splurge and treat yourself to something special, check these out. DELIGHTFUL! They come in several flavors, but right now, I'm hooked on coffee (and I'm not even a coffee drinker)! By the way, if you mention Rawfully Tempting in your order...Medicine Flower will send you a special bonus sample with your order.

4 cups almond or coconut milk
3-5 kale leaves
1-2 frozen bananas
2 Tbsp cacao powder
2 Tbsp nut butter(or tahini)
8 drops Medicine Flower (or 1 teaspoon ) coffee extract
2 Tbsp chia
dash cinnamon
1 tsp mesquite powder, optional, but adds rich flavor
Maple syrup, dates, yacon (whatever sweetener you prefer)
ice cubes
Mix in blender until smooth and creamy. (Feel free to add super foods of choice...green powder, goji berries, maca, etc.)
Adjust sweetness, as desired and enjoy.
Where do I find this coffee extract??? Now am on the hunt for it.. Sounds so yummy
Click on the link above for Raw Food World - it will take you directly to the extract page.
Enjoy. Let me know if you try any of the other flavors. I'm off to make another coffee smoothie this morning with my purple water. (The purple corn also came from Raw Food World)
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