Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: A PEARfect Morning - Green Smoothies - Day #4, 5, 6, 7

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March 20, 2010

A PEARfect Morning - Green Smoothies - Day #4, 5, 6, 7

Green Smoothie - Day #7
The sun is shining and it's another beautiful day! My pears were ripe, so I added one to my smoothie and def like that flavor. W also brought home some golden beats and I threw a couple of those beautiful leaves into the mix. Arugula, Swiss Chard, kiwi, pear, apple, 1/2 avocado, frozen blueberries, flax seeds (ground), goji berries  and dates. Also see the Chocolate Mind Bender...
I learned 2 things this morning:
1 - Go easy on parsley or it takes over the smoothie.
2 - When using dates, make sure you remove ALL of the pits. BLECH!

Aside from some pit grit, the smoothie was pretty tasty. It's so funny that I can whip up a gourmet dessert on my own with no problem, but the green smoothie thing is a little more challenging for me. I think I'm trying to use too many ingredients at once. W brings home these gorgeous greens and I feel like I need to use them all. LOL..NOT!  So, I'm going to try to keep them more simple moving forward and see what we get....

Green Smoothie - Day #6
Green chocolate?? YUP! And it's yummy! I took another brisk walk today before making my green smoothie! This is a really BIG deal for me,  to be walking. After yesterday's walk, I had some serious pelvic pain, but I've been so inactive lately it was to be expected. So I picked myself up and decided to do it again today, at a little slower pace, but I actually walked further than yesterday. YAY! I really believe the green smoothies have given me this extra boost of energy that is enabling me to start exercising, something I've been unable to do for months!

See "Day to Day" for personal updates.

Chocolate Mind-Bender 
4 stalks kale
1 celery stalk and leaves
bunch of dandelion greens
2 cups water 
1 TbspTropical Traditions Coconut Cream
almond butter 
2 froz bananas
Medjool dates
cacao powder,
1 Tbsp ground flax,
1/2 green apple
dash of cinnamon and cayenne.


  1. Clean and de-stem chard and kale. 
  2. Fill blender up with greens and add 1 cup of water. Blend. 
  3. Add remaining greens and blend. Add fruit, blend. Add remaining ingredients and don't forget the dash of cinnamon and cayenne, to get you going.  ENJOY! 

Green Smoothie - Day #5
green chard
celery with tops
red apple
2 froz bananas
handful of red raspberries.
Very Yummy!

Green Smoothie - Day #4
Today's smoothie: Dandelion, parsley, celery tops with leaves, Swiss chard, spinach, 3 mint leaves, lime, frozen banana, kiwi, mango, coconut, ground flax, dates and water.  Blend and enjoy!!

I have done green smoothies for 4 consecutive days now!!!


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