I finally received my Excalibur dehydrator!!! I am so excited. W and I had to completely rearrange the kitchen in order to make room for it. One of us (ahem) still uses the microwave on occasion, and we both agreed it would be better if we moved it off of the counter. Luckily, we were able to fit it on this handy-dandy shelf unit he picked up yesterday. I am so glad we did that because I have limited counter space and need some room to lay out the large ParaFlexx non-stick sheets and arrange food.This looks like it will work well.

I prepared a few test pieces. If they are successful, I will post the recipes. Right now I am uncooking Sun Dried Tomato and Basil Flax Crackers, Tropical Fruit and Yogurt Roll-Up, and some sliced pineapple. I can't wait to try them, but they may not be done until morning...I am having a tough time waiting...so I whipped up another Chocolate Fruit and Nut Bar. That is setting now....hmm..probably time to go check it out....have a great night!
Congrats on your new toy! I LOVE pineapple in the D, however, I don't know how good it is fully "done" because we eat it out before it gets a chance :) Good Luck! Love the blog, Mandy
Hi Mandy. Thank you and I am doing the same thing. It seems to be taking forever, but at this point, there is not much left. LOL!! But it still feels like there is juice inside. Maybe I had the temp too low? Any suggestions?
The dehydrator sounds great! I look forward to hearing how it goes :)
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