Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: April 2010

Best of Raw


Voted Best of Raw - Favorite Raw Vegan Gourmet Chef + Favorite Raw Vegan Blog.

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6th Annual Best of Raw Award

6th Annual Best of Raw Award

April 16, 2010

Cheese Burger?

It's so much fun converting leftovers into something new and yummy. I spread some almond cheese sauce from our nacho feast last night onto a non-stick sheet and dehydrated a few hours. I wanted it to be like sliced American cheese, but I think it needed a little more time in the dehydrator. It came out more like a thick cheese spread, and was delicious.

Topping Zippy Red Lentil Burgers with this creamy cheddar cheeze, guacamole, re-fried beans, red onions and tomato, served open-faced on a piece of Almond Bread  I pulled out of the freezer. What a great meal. I craved something warm tonight and the burgers went great with all of the raw fixins!

April 13, 2010

Pleasingly Purple Smoothie

In keeping with the purple theme, and continuing to use the purple corn water, I made a refreshing "green" purple smoothie.  My professional taster, W, gave it a thumbs up!

April 12, 2010

Purple Corn Water

Another fun find from The Raw Food World was Purple Corn Kernels. I originally purchased them with the intent of making blue corn chips, however, discovered just how potent these lil kernels are. What makes purple corn such a beautiful, deep shade of purple is a pigment called anthocyanin, one of the most active antioxidant substances in the vegetable world. 

Coconut Raspberry Swirl Ice Cream

  Using a variation of my Crazy Coconut Ice Cream recipe, I swirled in Raspberry Sauce and topped with Chocolate Syrup and fresh raspberries. Yummm!

April 11, 2010

Cup O' Joe Green Smoothie

I am in H E A V E N!!! What an amazing find. Medicine Flower has created these extraordinary ORGANIC, cold-extracted flavor extracts. These are super concentrated, so a little goes a long way. I opened the bottle and was in ECSTASY from the aroma. SOOO good. They are a little pricey, but if you want to splurge and treat yourself to something special, check these out. DELIGHTFUL! They come in several flavors, but right now, I'm hooked on coffee (and I'm not even a coffee drinker)! By the way, if you mention Rawfully Tempting in your order...Medicine Flower will send you a special bonus sample with your order.

April 6, 2010

Mesquite Powder is Yummy and Helps Curb Your Appetite

Not only does mesquite powder taste great, it satisfies your hunger and helps to stabilize blood sugar, but it's a great source of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc, and contains the amino acid lysine. Mesquite powder is also high in dietary fiber and protein! I use it in smoothies, drinks and other desserts. It partners really well with cacao powder.

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