Dearest Friends - I want to extend a truly heartfelt "thank you" for all of your love and support. For those that took the time to vote...you are awesome/amazing! THANK YOU! I am honored to have received two awards in the 2014 Best of Raw Awards at the Raw Living Expo!!!
Best of Raw Blog!! Woo hoo! Rawfully Tempting - This Blog, was the recipient of this award. How wonderful is that! The truth is...I could not have done this without all of you. So keep on reading, enjoying, and commenting. We do LOVE feedback here at Rawfully Tempting. When I know what you are looking for, it inspires me to explore and create new things.. Your feedback is really important to the success of this site.
See More Awards and Pics Below!
Also, if you are on Facebook, come on over and LIKE my Page. Due to the nature of FB, I get to be a little more playful and personal there and it's certainly more interactive. I also have several Groups you are welcome to join. Just look for Rawfully Tempting Goodness and Rawfully Tempting Ingredients, Substitutions, Suggestions.
Best Raw Vegan Gourmet Chef (0-5 years) I also received this award. Wow! I am honored and speechless. It was so awesome to meet some folks in person that I had only known online. I am newly inspired to come up with some fabulous new creations as we embrace 2014!!! For those of you that could not be there, it was a FABULOUS EVENT. See some of the pics below...

Woo hoo! Meeting Raw Chef Tina Jo was stupendous!
Time with my dear friend Raw Chef Dosa is always FUN FUN FUN!
Lots of new faces and friends, including Karen Ranzi and Paca the Juice Master.Congrats to the NJ Girls - Raw Chef Dosa and Karen Ranzi, who were also award recipients at the event!
Vender View - some awesome vendors!
Fun to meet people who you did not know - hearing how what you do inspired them...the BEST feeling ever! (Waving to Ashley - was awesome meeting you!)
Chef BeLive, of course and Nomi Shannon!
Dr. Gabriel Cousens
Markus Rothkranz
Awesome to meet David and Deborah - founders of Raw Food Wild Riot Group on Facebook.
Spreading the Love!
Accepting an award from Nathan and Kristina was The Bomb!
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