It's a very basic recipe and while it's tasty as is, next time, I'll try adding specific herbs, or maybe add a hint of sun dried tomatoes to it? It freezes well.
Sprouted Kamut Olive Bread (from The Art of Raw Living)
4 cups sprouted Kamut grain (sprouted 3-5 days)
1 1/2 cups sun-dried black olives (I used less)
4 Tbsp olive oil
2 Tbsp dried Italian seasoning
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 tsp sea salt
Directions: for Sprouting Kamut
- Rinse Kamut well and cover with water in a wide-mouth glass jar and lid. Let soak 8-12 hours.
- Drain water, rinse, and keep in a dark cool area, replacing jar lid with a screen or cheesecloth (use the rim or a rubber band to hold the cloth in place) and cover the opening.
- Rinse 2-3 times a day until tails form.
- Once sprouted, rinse well and return to jar with lid. Rinse daily to retain freshness. Give it a try! It is so easy. Use in muffins, breads, crackers, etc.
For the Olive Bread Preparation
- Rinse and drain sprouted grain.
- In food processor, combine Kamut and olives and process until the grain begins to break down.
- Add garlic, seasoning, and olive oil and process until a dough ball begins to form.
- Spread mixture about 1/4" thick on 2 non-stick dehydrator trays. (I use an offset spatula dipped in water to spread).
- Dehydrate at 110 degrees for 2 hours and flip onto mesh screen and score into 12 - 16 squares. Continue to dehydrate another 2 - 3 hours depending on consistency. Keep moist in center.

Barbara, how do you cut the bread and they dont become curve?
Dii you see whtat happen to mine?
Today i post some pictures and mine one i cut before turn around!
When i went to take them, all of them were like a curve cracker!
I got so sad!!!!
Love you and admire you!
Hi Marcia,
I've not been able to find your photos of the bread you reference. Please send me a link so I can take a look.
Bread made with kamut or oat groats is pretty heavy and dense. I've never had a problem with it curling. I'd need to know what ingredients you were using. The first thing that comes to mind is that you may have spread it too thin, more like a cracker. For breads, I make them about 1/8 to 1/4" thick.
Here's a trick that might stop a mesh screen on top of the bread after you cut may take a little longer to dehydrate, but the weight of the mesh screen may keep the bread from curling.
I look forward to hearing back from you. You can contact me on FB or email as well.
Love you too- Blessings,
oops..meant to say, use the mesh dehydrator sheet...not screen...and place it right on top of the bread..its light, but may have enough weight to stop the curling.
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