Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Twilight Zone Chocolate Bark

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April 15, 2020

Twilight Zone Chocolate Bark

I pray you are all safe, sound and healthy during these challenging times. Self-care is super important right now! Take care of YOU!!! I treated me to this quick and easy version of my cacao bark. I know some of these ingredients may be new for some of you, but well worth investigating. There are several great online resources. Please comment below if you prepare this, want to try it...or, want me to prepare it for you. (Sorry...locals only). 

1/2 cup cacao butter, finely chopped
1/2 cup cacao paste (May try cacao powder. Will not be as firm, so increase cacao butter)
3T almond butter (or peanut butter)
1/3 cup raisins 
1/4 cup unsweetened , dried coconut flakes (fine)
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
1/3 cup walnuts (or almonds), chopped
1/4 cup coconut sugar
1t Ceylon cinnamon
1t vanilla extract (or 3 drops Medicine Flower coffee extract + 4 drops caramel extract) 
Pinch Himalayan salt
Dash cayenne, optional

Sprinkle chopped nuts, cacao nibs, coconut, pumpkin seeds, etc. (use your imagination)

Melt cacao butter and cacao paste in medium stainless steel bowl (use small metal bowl of boiled water under medium bowl)

Add nut butter and stir well.

When melted, stir in remaining ingredients. Sweeten to taste. 

Pour into pie plate or spread onto small cookie sheet, and top with garnish. 

Freeze 30 minutes. 

Tap plate upside down on flat surface. Bark should pop right out. ( if not, freeze longer) 
Break into chunks and store in airtight container in refrigerator or freezer. 



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