Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Sesame-Almond Milk (Dairy Free)

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September 15, 2020

Sesame-Almond Milk (Dairy Free)

 There is practically nothing on this Earth as yummy as fresh Almond Milk...(okay, well maybe Coconut Milk). Once you realize how easy this is to prepare, you can begin creating variations, adding even more nutrients and flavor to this remarkable beverage!  Today I prepared Sesame Almond Milk and it is delicious! Don't forget to LIKE us on FACEBOOK.

Sesame-Almond Milk Ingredients
1 cup soaked, (soak overnight and rinse)
3 cups water
2 Tablespoons raw sesame seeds
1-2 medjool dates
optional - vanilla extract

Blend almonds, water and sesame seeds. 
Pour through nut milk bag or cheesecloth and squeeze out liquid. (*Use pulp in other recipes)
Pour milk back into blender and add medjool dates. Blend well and serve. 

Check out Bremner Farms for fantastic almonds. Tell them Rawfully Tempting sent you!!!

Almond milk is a great Smoothie or Pudding base. Add ingredients like cacao powder, lucuma powder, mesquite powder, maca powder, ceylon cinnamon, and Medicine Flower extracts, etc for a flavorful and nutritoius beverage. 

*PULP - Almond pulp can be used to make Almond Flour, or used wet in many raw recipes. I store my pulp in zip lock bags and freeze until I have enough. Spread on non-stick dehydrator tray (or cookie sheet if using oven), and dehydrate at 110 degreesd F until very dry. If you have a dry blade Vitamix container - run the dried pulp through that or a nut seed grinder, or food processor, and you'll have a lovely fluffy flour. Store flour in freezer until ready to use. 

If preparing in oven, you'll have to experiment with temp and time, and it won't be raw...but you will get a nice almond flour that can replace white flour in most recipes! You want to dry it..not cook it! Enjoy! 


  1. I found you on bloglovin- and love the idea of adding sesame seeds to almond milk!! Where do you buy your cheese cloth?? Do you soak the almonds at room temp, or in the fridge??

    Here's my profile:

  2. Thank you @Seed& Shore. I use nutmilk bags..not cheesecloth. Link is in the post above. Much easier! Nuts soaked at room temp as you want them to germinate...but rinse and change water at least twice. Be sure almonds are really raw...only from farmer in US....

    I hope this helps!!! Blessings


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