Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Peach Sorbet

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August 24, 2010

Peach Sorbet

PEACHY! What a refreshing change for me! Light and creamy, not too sweet, and oh so satisfying!

Peach Sorbet
1 1/2 cups cashews (soaked)
2 cups young Thai coconut water (or filtered water)
1 cup coconut meat (1/2 dried coconut, soaked)
3 - 4 cups peaches, coarsely chopped
1 tsp vanilla extract (or 3 drops Medicine Flower Vanilla Extract)
2 drops Medicine Flower Peach Extract (accentuates the flavor - optional)
1/4 cup maple syrup - grade B (or your fav sweetener)
water, if needed to blend
pinch sea salt

In a high speed blender, mix nuts and coconut water. Add peaches and coconut meat and blend until creamy.

Add remaining ingredients and taste for sweetness.

Store in freezer for a couple of hours to chill and then follow directions for your ice cream maker. If you are not using an ice cream maker, continue to freeze, stirring briskly ever couple of hours, until ice cream consistency. 

Another option: after frozen, chop into chunks (or freeze in cubes).  When ready to eat, run through blender, juicer with blank plate or a Yonanas.

Garnish with sliced peaches or sprig of mint.

*Mention Rawfully Tempting and Medicine Flower will include a special bonus sample with your purchase.


  1. This sounds gorgeous! Where do you get your Irish Moss from? Not sure where you're based, I'm in the Uk. Thanks. x

  2. Thank you Elizabeth and karen.

    Karen, if you click on the link in the recipe, it takes you to a retailer...however, not sure if they ship worldwide.

    Another great resource is:

    their price is excellent!!!!

  3. oh my goodness. I love sorbet and im always looking for new combos. Thanks so much for posting! Love the blog!


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